Fair Play Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
How Much Should We Charge
Who Wins?
A Bigger Prize
More Fish

Prize Fishing
Forty identical metal fish are put in a bowl. On each fish there is a coloured spot hidden from view. The different colours represent prizes of different amounts. Competitors pay to catch a fish with a magnet. Once a prize is given the fish is put back before the next person's turn. Every competitor wins a prize.

How Much Should We Charge?
Table 2 shows how much the different colours are worth and how many fish are marked with each colour.

Colour Prize value No. of fish Prize value x No. of fish
Blue 2p 20 40p
Green 3p 10  
Yellow 5p 5  
Orange 10p 4  
Red 25p 1  
    Total Value  

Table 2 - Prize value of fish in the bowl.

There are 20 blue fish, each with a prize value of 2p. They are worth 40p altogether.

a How many orange fish are there in the bowl?
b What is the prize value of the orange fish altogether?
c Copy and complete Table 4 on page Rl.
d What is the total prize value of all the fish in the bowl?

In a very large number of turns we expect each fish to be caught the same number of times.

This means on average each fish is caught once in 40 turns.

In every 40 turns we expect to pay about œ1.60.

e What is the average amount paid out each turn?
f What would you charge for each turn?
g With this charge, what is the average profit to the school fair for each turn?


Who Wins?
During the afternoon we expect 800 players. The charge for each turn is 5p.

a How much profit does the school fair make on average in one turn with a charge of 5p?
b How much profit do you expect this stall to make in the afternoon?
c What fraction of the fish are worth less than 5p?
d What fraction of the players do you expect to win less than 5p?
e What is the probability that a player loses money when playing the game once?
f What is the probability of winning the 25p prize?


A Bigger Prize
Jane says 'Make the red fish worth a prize of 75p. That will make more people want to play.'The charge is kept at 5p.

a Is Jane right?
b What is the total value of fish in the bowl now?
c What is the average payout per turn now?
d Will the school make a bigger profit if we make this change?


*More Fish
Gary says 'Leave the prize values as they are. We would make a lot more profit if we put in 40 black fish and gave no prize for them.'

a What is the average payout per turn now?
b The charge is kept at 5p. What is the average profit to the school fair for each turn?
c Is Gary right in what he says? Give a reason for your answer.

